# Vuexfire API Reference

For all code samples, we will consider a db variable is imported as follows:

import firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/firestore'

// Get a Firestore instance
const db = firebase.initializeApp({ projectId: 'MY PROJECT ID' }).firestore()

# vuexfireMutations

Mutations required by vuexfire to work. Must be added only at the root level of your store and works for both Firestore and RTDB:

import Vuex from 'vuex'
import { vuexfireMutations } from 'vuexfire'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  mutations: {
    // other mutations

# firestoreAction

Wraps an action to inject bindFirestoreRef as well as unbindFirestoreRef

// store/actions.js
import { firestoreAction } from 'vuexfire'

export const setTodosRef = firestoreAction(
  ({ bindFirestoreRef, unbindFirestoreRef }, documentId) => {
    bindFirestoreRef('documents', db.collection('documents').doc(documentId))

# bindFirestoreRef

  • bindFirestoreRef(key: string, ref: Query, options?): Promise<Object[]>
  • bindFirestoreRef(key: string, ref: Document, options?): Promise<Object>

Binds a collection, Query or Document to a property previously declared in the state, relatively to the module we are on. It unbinds any previouly bound reference with the same key.

Returns a Promise that is resolved once the data has been completely fetched and synced into the state. This means, it will wait for any references inside any of the documents bound. By default it stops at a level 2 nesting

# options

Can contain the following properties:

  • maxRefDepth: How many levels of nested references should be automatically bound. Defaults to 2, meaning that References inside of References inside of documents bound with bindFirestoreRef will automatically be bound too.
  • reset: Allows to define the behavior when a previously bound reference is unbound. Defaults to true, which resets the property in the vue instance to null for documents and to an empty array [] for collections. It can also be set to a function returning a value to customize the value set. Setting it to false will keep the data as-is when unbinding.
  • wait: Waits for the binding to be completely resolved before setting the value in data. This will also force reset: false unless reset is provided as a function.
  • serialize: a function to provide a custom serialization strategy when a document from firebase is set on the Vue instance. This allows to customize the id key, to transform data, etc. See Vuefire plugin options for examples

# unbindFirestoreRef

unbindFirestoreRef(key: string, reset?: FirestoreOptions['reset']): void

Unsubscribes from updates for a given key.

# Global options for Firestore

While it's possible to always pass the same options every time you need to bindFirestoreRef, you can globally set options by modifying the firestoreOptions object:

import { firestoreOptions } from 'vuexfire'

// always wait for bindings to be resolved
firestoreOptions.wait = true

All the options that can be used in bindFirestoreRef can be set through this option.

# firebaseAction

Wraps an action to inject bindFirebaseRef as well as unbindFirebaseRef

// store/actions.js
import { firebaseAction } from 'vuexfire'

export const setDocument = firebaseAction(({ bindFirebaseRef, unbindFirebaseRef }, documentId) => {
  // binds the documents collection onto the `state.documents` property
  // `bindFirebaseRef` also automatically unbinds any previously bound reference on the same property `documents`
  bindFirebaseRef('documents', db.ref('documents'))
  // binds the document with id `documentId` onto the `state.currentDocument` property
  bindFirebaseRef('currentDocument', db.ref('documents').child(documentId))
  // manually unbinds any previously bound collection or document and stop listening for updates

# bindFirebaseRef

  • bindFirebaseRef(key: string, ref: Query, options?): Promise<Object[]>
  • bindFirebaseRef(key: string, ref: Reference, options?): Promise<Object>

Binds a collection, Query or Reference to a property previously declared in the state, relatively to the module we are on. It unbinds any previouly bound reference with the same key. If the current value in the state is an Array, it binds the data as an array, otherwise it binds it as an object.

Returns a promise that is resolved once the data is fetched and the state is in sync.

# options

Can contain the following properties:

  • reset: Allows to define the behavior when a previously bound reference is unbound. Defaults to true, which resets the property in the vue instance to null for properties bound as objects and to an empty array [] for properties bound as arrays. It can also be set to a function returning a value to customize the value set. Setting it to false will keep the data as-is when unbinding.
  • wait: Waits for the binding to be completely resolved before setting the value in data. This will also force reset: false unless reset is provided as a function.
  • serialize: a function to provide a custom serialization strategy when a document from firebase is set on the Vue instance. This allows to customize the id key, to transform data, etc. See Vuefire plugin options for examples

# unbindFirebaseRef

unbindFirebaseRef(key: string, reset?: RTDBOptions['reset']): void

Unsubscribes from updates for a given key.

# Global options for RTDB

While it's possible to always pass the same options every time you need to bindFirebaseRef, you can globally set options by modifying the rtdbOptions object:

import { rtdbOptions } from 'vuexfire'

// always wait for bindings to be resolved
rtdbOptions.wait = true

All the options that can be used in bindFirebaseRef can be set through this option.