# Upgrading from Vuefire v1.x to v2.0

In 2017, Firebase introduced Firestore. To support the new realtime database, a new version was released as an alpha (opens new window) on November 2017. At first, this version was supposed to only support Firestore, but with time we realised, the RTDB wasn't being deprecated, so we added support for RTDB alongside Firestore to the v2 of Vuefire. Because of that, there were some breaking changes during the alpha itself and the exported module format has totally changed.

If you partially followed, the best place to check for the few breaking changes is the changelog (opens new window)

If you didn't follow during the alpha releases, no worries, you can easily catch up and use the latest version of Vuefire. Follow ahead!

# Renamed import for the RTDB

Because we support both RTDB and Firestore, there are now named exports instead of one single default export. The injected methods $bind and $unbind are now reserved by default to Firestore, but this can also be customized (opens new window).

import Vue from 'vue'
- import VueFire from 'vuefire'
+ import { rtdbPlugin as VueFire } from 'vuefire'

// explicit installation required in module environments

# Changes to $bindAsArray/$bindAsObject and $unbind

There are few changes here but it's all for the best:

  • Declaring bound properties in data
  • Using one single function to bind instead of two
  • Having Promises instead of callbacks

So hang on for a moment, I can assure you it will be better:

# Declaring bound properties in data

Previously, declaring properties in the firebase option was enough. Now it's necessary to declare them in the data option:

+  data: {
+    anArray: [],
+    anObject: null
+  },
  firebase: {
    anArray: db.ref('url/to/my/collection').limitToLast(25)
    anObject: {
      source: db.ref('url/to/my/object'),
      asObject: true,

Any property you want to be bound as an array should be intiliazed to an Array. Any property you want to be bound as an Object should be intiliazed as an Object.

Because the type is automatic, the object syntax is not supported anymore. So if you need to call cancelCallback or readyCallback, you will have to use the programmatic API:

  data: {
    anArray: [],
    anObject: null

  firebase: {
    anArray: db.ref('url/to/my/collection').limitToLast(25)
-    anObject: {
-      source: db.ref('url/to/my/object'),
-      asObject: true,
-      cancelCallback,
-      readyCallback
-    }
-  }
+  },
+  created () {
+    this.$bindAsObject(db.ref('url/to/my/object'), cancelCallback, readyCallback)
+  }

But this is not exactly it, we need to rename that programmatic call.

# Unifiying $bindAsArray and $bindAsObject and using Promises

Previously you would call $bindAsArray and $bindAsObject depending on what you wanted to bind. Now there is only one $rtdbBind (which can be renamed to $bind, see the tip below).

  data: {
    anArray: [],
    anObject: null

  firebase: {
    anArray: db.ref('url/to/my/collection').limitToLast(25)

  created () {
-    this.$bindAsObject(db.ref('url/to/my/object'), cancelCallback, readyCallback)
+    // you could also use the async/await syntax with a try/catch block
+    this.$rtdbBind(db.ref('url/to/my/object')
+      .then(readyCallback)
+      .catch(cancelCallback)


Note: you can pass an options object with { bindName: '$bind', unbindName: '$unbind' } to Vue.use(VueFire) to keep a shorter name for binding instead of $rtdbBind and $rtdbUnbind.

🎉 That's it! Your app should be running again! If you found things missing in this small guide, feel free to open an Issue or a Pull Request on Github (opens new window)

You should checkout the guide, there are a few code snippets that may come in handy!